Thursday, September 2, 2010

Life as an SP

So I stop the story to teach you something.  You read this and maybe you think what's it like to be an SP?  It seems the money is good.  Yes, sometimes it is. 

First I say this.  Each SP is like a person.  Each is different.  Just like me some hate it.  Others like it.  If you think all SP's are from broken homes or raped as little girls you are wrong.  Some like this job.  They like sex.  It's variety.   You can see so far I hated this job and also liked it.  In the end I would grow tired of it.  So here is this job.  The good and bad. 

Good stuff.

Being an SP is good in some ways.  If you do it the right way, you can have control.  You can make the decision. The man will answer to you not you to him.  And the moulah is good.  A good young SP that is sexy, gives good service and has regulars can make more than $500 dollars each day.  Some make way more.  You can sleep in if you wish.  You can work 1 man a week or 10 men a day.  Some do this.  Some SP's only do it part time. It's extra money.  Some like sex.  They don't mind so they can do 6 clients in a day.  Me, I think it's crazy.  Your pussy is made of rubber to do this lol.   Also, you can go to good hotels.  Get things, good places to eat and some even travel.  You will meet all men.  From the richest to the poorest.  You can be close to some clients.  So not all is bad in this job.   But not so much is good.  If you think hard how many SP's stay doing this for a long time?  Not so many.  It's like a stripper.  

Bad stuff:

Maybe another SP reads this and thinks different but here is the bad if you ask me.  First, you live a life always hiding.  Most can't tell their family.  Most hide their face.  You walk in the supermarket and worry you can meet someone that knows you.  A client.  Maybe he's loud and makes a big scene?   So you are alone. If you get friends it's always a mystery who you are.  What you do.  People ask you.  Your Papa says what is your job.  What can you say?  You lie.   It's like on TV being a secret agent.  No one can know who you are.  Only the secret agent catches the bad guy. You just sleep alone. 

You are lonely.  You have gone 10 years without a real kiss?  A client kiss is not a boyfriend kiss.  One is work. The other is love.  So your client gets you a gift.  That's just polite.  A boyfriend buys you flowers because you are in his heart.  He loves you.   So you are alone all the time.  And how many men will date a whore?  Not so many.  If they do often they are also using whores.  Or you are a drunk and they are a drunk.  So it's a big fun party.  This won't last.  A normal man which doesn't use a whore is very rare.  It's like a four leaf clover.  You can look all over but I doubt you find it.  And even if you quit, forever you will hide your past.  Where is this 10 years of your life?  I think a couple should know the past.  But you have to hide it.  You think I care for sex?  No way.  I care for love.  For me to have my hand held is more than 100 times in the bedroom.  I can say it like this, it's all intent.  What's the intention. 

So you can't tell people and have no boyfriend and little hope for one.  If this is not bad enough, how about it's not safe.  Each time a man walks in the door you don't know.  It's a risk.  You must always be cautious.  You must think.  Check out everyone.  Sure the MP is safe but it's routine.  It's factory fucking.  No control for you.  On the street it's a huge risk.  Each time the car rolls up you don't know.  It can be a good man or it can be a killer.  Look at this guy in Vancouver.  He kills SW's.  Just because. He hates them. They do nothing to him.  He just hates them. Most SW's get raped. 

Now, I will say not all have this but at some time most will.  It's addiction.  You don't want to wake up. So you find drugs or drinking.  You escape each day.  You see, worst about crack or drinking was no control. It controls you. It's the master.  You are a puppet.  When addicted you make stupid mistakes.  You forget little things.  You miss it.  This mistake can cost you.  You will see my mistake.  It cost me a part of my soul. Some is never coming back either.  Not matter what happens.  

And SP's can learn to dislike a man.  I read some time ago an SP goes crazy.  She is angry and types in big letters.  People snicker.  They call her down.  Well I know this feeling.  Its rage inside.  Its not one men that hurts you.  It's hundreds over a long time.  A little each time until maybe one day you will crack.  So if you dislike all men how will you find a good man? 

Then there is tomorrow.  What will you do?  You are a young woman and you think I can do it. I can do this job.  You think it but you are wrong.  What do you do when you are 50?  You think most men pay you 3 browns if you are 50 years old.  Maybe, but its more like finding a four leaf clover.  So rare.  So you work as a whore but then what?  You don't have skills.  It can't say cock sucker on your resume.  Even if you go to school you start at the bottom job.  Or you get a bad job for good.  Its you that is the maid.  It's you working in this hot factory.  No hope of a good future.  Your dreams are dashed.   You can say you can do it but think hard.  You are used to big money.  Now you make a small wage.  No more shoes or good condo.  No more nice dresses.  No more retail therapy.  No more good stuff.  To be poor and get rich is good.  To be rich and get poor is very hard.  I know it.  You will see as I write more. 

So you think hard.  You are a young girl and you think this is a future?  No way.  Maybe for 1 year or 2.  But not for a long time.  To pay your way in school maybe.  If you need money for some big debt, maybe.  If you need to feed your kids, maybe.  

I am not an SP now.  It's done.  No money can make me go back.  I sit and I think sometimes. I missed life. I missed being a teenager.  I missed a boyfriend.  I missed college.  I missed falling in love.  I missed moving in together.  I missed flowers.  I missed a kiss on the cheek each day.  I missed lying with my boyfriend, listening to his heart.  I missed having a man love me.  Its like this.  If I can do this again I wish for the most plain life. For you it's each day. For me it is a dream. 

Last thing I must say this post.  If you are a man and use an SP you respect her.  You treat her like a princess.  Maybe you think because  you pay her you can do what you want.  Well I say no fucking way buddy.  A SP is a human.  She is a girl.   She feels.  It's not like a machine.  This is not a tractor.  It's a person.  She has dreams.  She has feelings.  She can cry tears.  She can have a smile.  Her heart is just like your heart.  You respect her.  It's what she wants.  Respect.  If you can't give this to a woman then I say you are not a man.

It's like that song  R E S P E C T.  

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