Monday, September 6, 2010

Mr Marky

It's Saturday.  He sends me a text.  Want to go out?  I tell him yes.  It's good.  Time is fast with him.  I do what I don't do before.  I make myself pretty.  Georgia laughs.  She tells me you like him.  I say it's a lie.  I can just get dinner.  She sais in a dress?  I can't answer.  I come down to his car.  He sais wow, I look good.  I can't say nothing.  We go.  It's his pub with the tattoo girl.  He tells me I can have a hamburger lol.  Two if I want.  He has found a new contract.  It's not great money but lots of work.  His work was gone a bit.  He works for himself.  They closed up.  He gets no money from them at all.  6 weeks of work.  No money.  I ask him.  why don't they pay you up front.  He laughs.  He sais to me it's not how it works.  I think it's how i do it.  I get the donation up front.  You can't pay the whore next week.  You pay her right now.  That's how it works.  Do you think different?  You pay later?  No way buddy.  You pay first.  The whore cannot focus on her job.  Without the money she worries.  You will leave. Too bad. 

We go to eat.  Larissa has a full belly lol.  I am tipsy.  If you get tipsy it's good.  It's an escape.  Not like drunk.  Drunk is being sick.  We eat.  This hockey game plays.  He watches some but talks to me.  This girl comes.  She sais hello to him.  They know each other.  I can see they are friends.  I watch her. She pays attention.  He tells her this is Larissa.  They go to the gym together.  I shake her hand.  I wish to squish it.  I am frustrated.  Its one reason.  I don't know it then.  I do now.  It's no control.  I can't make him look.  He is there.  But stands off all the time. 

We will go home.  He will drive me. We walk. Not so far to the car.  I walk near him.  I bump into him.  Then I look.  As we get to the car he will get the door.  He does.  The door is open but he stands there.  Like the movies. its forever.  Then holy.  He gives me a kiss.  A big long one lol.  After it's done.  I can just look down.  I move around him. I get in the car.  He drives me home.  He drops me off.  I give him a hug.  I am thinking this is good.  It's nice.  Only I do one thing.  I send him a text.  I tell im don't do this again.  He replies one word.  Sorry.  

I get inside.  Georgia is awake.  She looks at me.  Wants the gossip.  I tell her it's a good time.  He gives me a kiss.  She wants to know more.  What's it like?  I tell her it's great.  She is happy.  I tell her then I can't see him.  She asks me why?  I just say I don't know.  I can't.  Not my type.  She just shakes her head.  And walks away.

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