I get a call. I am shocked. It's from Greece. It's Nana. She tells me. She has something. I have some citizen of Greece. I can work there. Nana needs people. She can use staff. She can give me a job. And a place to live. She sais to me. You are needing a chance. I ask her. I must go there? Yes. It's for a year. Or 2 years. I say her let me think.
I tell Mark. Mark is quiet. He sais. Good idea. Good chance. He looks at me. He sais if you go, I can't go. It means we are not a couple. To hear this my heart cries. I tell him no. I can't go. How can I leave him. He just hugs me.
A bit passes. Mark sais let's walk. We go to the river. You can see. Baby ducks swim. They are yellow. Mark throws stones. He sais he thinks. He said to me. No jobs here for me. He said I can stay forever. He can pay for me. But. I must remember. What if he is gone? What if the bus hits him. How can I survive. He tells me. I should think about it. He sais it will break his heart. But, for me it's a good shot. A good chance. He said in life. Sometimes it's tough. The right decision is so hard.
I listen. I can't imagine a new life. I just get this life. I get a normal life. No whore here. Just me. I have a boyfriend. I can tell he loves me. I know it's tough for him. He works. I cost a lot. I eat so much. Also I know. He is right. If he goes, what? If I am single. I am again on welfare. Or I must be a whore. I will not be a whore. Not today or ever. I can sooner be dead. I watch the ducks. They are babies. They swim in a circle. The mom watches those ducks. The Papa duck is near. He's big. If you go close he will hiss. I don't like this choice. I tell Marky. I can think? He sais off course. He said to me. Think hard. About your future. I ask him. You want me to go? He sais of course not. But, it's also a good shot. He said Nana is a good woman. She's together. Smart. It's a chance for me.
I tell him. I will think. I ask him. Marky, what should I do. He tells me. Take out emotion. Do what is best for Larissa. Not for Mark. Imagine Mark is not here. I will think.
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