Saturday, September 4, 2010

Papa and the CL

I am talking to Papa.  He has no job and sais it's not coming back.  I send him money.  This time he cashes the check.  It's a lot of money.  I have less now.  I have to make some more.  I know it, I take the bus to Eau Claire.  I wait.  It's nothing.  No one stops.  No one sees me.  For this first time I go home.  It's nothing.  I don't see a SW.   How can it be?   how can no man want a SW.  Maybe they are gone?  I don't know. 

I need more.  I will use this Craigslist.  I put the picture up.  Lots call but want not to pay so much.  I don't do this.  But I lie in bed.  It's no money.   If you worry of money you can't sleep.   You know it.

I put a ad on CL.  I get some calls.  Some are WOTS.  Some ask for BB.  Some ask for many things I don't do.  No way.  But I need money.   So I can do this.  It's not a good time.  It's a session you wish ends fast.  Some are OK but some not so.  

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