I go see an old friend. We are friends. It's high school she is my friend. She is surprised to see me. She is my best friend. I not see her for 1 decade. She tells me I look good. I chat to her. It's over some wine. I tell her I'm in Calgary. I have a boyfriend. He comes to Ontario. I ask her. Do you have a bf? She tells me no. She sais a gf. She is a lesbian. I am surprised. All the boys like her at 15 lol. I say wow. I meet her partner. She's a pretty girl. They ask. Can we all go out. I say sure. I say Mark is in the next city. They tell me they want to dance. I say ok. I send Mark a text. He is good to go. He said 8 pm. His mom will sleep. He tells me. Instead to get a cab, he will get us all We can rent a hotel. Share the price. They agree. He comes to get us. The hotel is close to the club. It's right downtown.
Do you live in Ontario? If so you get to drink only from 1 store. It closes early. You must remember this lol. Or you have none. I think it's dumb.
My friend laughs at Marks car. He sais it's his Moms. He said tonight we wil get drunk. We drive 20 minutes. It's another city. It's Kitchener. We go to the hotel. It's downtown. Mark buys drinks. It's about 100 dollars. As he drives he looks. He remembers his life long ago. The hotel is big. It has a kitchen. It has a tv room. And 2 big rooms. One is for us. The next for my friends. Each has privacy. It's swank. And so cheap. Mark sais its because tough times here. No jobs. He tells us. You want to dance? They can go to the gay bar. It's 3 blocks away. We can walk.
First we can go eat. He asks do they like meat? They say yes. Larissa loves it lol. My belly wishes it. It sings for it. We go to this place. The food is one swords. They cut it off. He tells me. All you can eat. I can be fat if I want. Here we eat. And we drink. Then we must go. We can dance all night. I must buy some cigarettes. If I drink I smoke.
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