Saturday, September 4, 2010

The new regular

I see new clients.  Not so many come back much.  It's a one shot deal now.  Two regs tell me they can't see me.  Their job is gone.  They say they are sorry.  If you are a whore some things are a first.  It's the first time a man says he is sorry he can't poon.  I think this.  It's not the truth really.  They are just sad they don't get sex with me.  You remember I am still a doll to them. 

I get a man calling.  He asks some things.  Same old thing.  He asks me a question.  He is an older man over 70 years.  Is this ok.  

If you are a whore, you will get this client.  Not so often but sometimes.  You know this man.  Maybe his wife is died.  Or she is unable to have sex.  He is older.  I am hired by this man for a session.  He comes to my apartment.  His walk is a bit slower.  For this man, you know he will be patient and slower.  He is not a stallion anymore.  How can he be?  This first session is good.  It's not so long.  He gets 1 hour but is done sooner.  He sits to talk to me.  I ask him how come he comes to see a whore.  It's a sad story.  His wife is sick and dies.  He is alone and his children don't see him much.  He sais to me if you are his age there aren't many women.  It's a lonely day.  You wake up, you have no job, time is slow to pass.  It's lonely.   I think all whores have a client like this. 

This man comes to see me each week.   It's a new regular.  Do you think I mind?  He is so old?  No way buddy.  It's my job.  He treats me very good.  I take the money from anywhere.  Business is not so good and slows down more. 

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