Sunday, September 12, 2010


The plane goes over the water.  I can see down.  I am not crying.  Too tired to cry.  The plane will park.  I must get off.  I hope Nana is here.  I don't know how to speak.  I don't know anything.  Mark gives me money.  American money.  Sais just in case.  We get off the plane.  I must go through security.  I don't care.  Look in my shoe.   You think I hide a bomb? 

I walk out.  There is Nana.  She waits for me.  She smiles.  Gives me a hug.  She sais how are you.  I say ok.  Then I cry.  I tell her I miss him.  She sais nothing.  She sais let's eat.  I tell her ok.  She tells me it's a big step.  Going so far.  Leaving behind everything.  I tell her it's hard.  We will go eat.  This food is different.  It's good.  Nana laughs.  She tells me when I am little.  I eat like a goat.  I am hungry.

Outside is different.  No english.  Just signs.  Also, it's hot.  The ocean is near.  We will drive.  She sais it's a trip.  Not that far.  Nana gets in the car.  She holds my hand.  She sais it's hard.  She knows.   We drive. I wonder.  Where is Mark.  I can't send him a text.  No phone.  No computer internet.  It's now 1 day.  I don't say a word.  I wonder how is he.  Is he sick too?  I just know.  I miss him.  I wish I can snap my hand.  Go back.  I wish he can come.  Nana drives.  It's a nice place.  It's pretty here.  Different than Canada.  

We get to this place.  It's on the ocean.  It's what she owns.  It's pretty big.  It's got lots of things.  She calls a man.  Get my stuff on this cart.  She speaks Greek.  I don't know it.  He comes fast.  Takes me to the room.  I can't talk to him.  DOn't know it.  She comes with me.  The room is for me.  It's like an apartment.  She tells me.  Usually two share.  But for me, I can have it.  It's got a kitchen.  The man takes my stuff. Puts it down.  I ask Nana.  It's got internet?  She sais yes.  She will show me.  I connect.

First I email Marky.  I check msn.  I forget it's a different time.  It's tomorrow here.  He writes back.  It's from his phone.  It's Marky !.  I missed him.  I tell him it's good here.  I like it.  The flight is long.  Nana gives me a room.  I tell him I miss him.  I love him.  I wish to see him. 

On my computer it's his picture.  I just look.  Then I cry.  I want to go home. 

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