Friday, September 3, 2010

My first goodbye

The week is gone.  All week I think I don't want it to end.  Now it is here.  You wish you can close your eyes.  Close than hard and time stops.  You can't.  No one can.  We go to the airport.  I can't speak.  I can only look out the window.  Papa touches my hand.  He sais it's ok.  I don't feel it. 

We go to the airport.   Now is when you wish you can stop time.  Just forever.  We stand at this place and talk.  Papa talks to make me happy.  I can see it.  He can stay only so long.  The time is done.  He must go. 

I give him a hug.  I can't let go.  He sais it's ok.  I am crying. I don't care if others see.  This hug is long.  I tell him I love him.  Thank you. I miss him.  He said he comes back real soon.  Then he must go.  I watch.  I can only cry harder.  I see him one last time. He looks and waves.  Then he is gone.  Its this minute I feel alone like never before.  I find the bathroom and I am sick. I just sit there.  I can't leave.  I stay there a long time.  I must get home. 

The airport has many taxis.  I don't care. I take one.  This guy wants to talk. I think fuck you buddy.  I say nothing but 1 word for the answer. I think.  I can't face this.  I tell this cab guy to get a liquor store.  I get some wine.  I get home and throw him money.  Inside I open it and drink.  I don't need a glass.  I don't want to feel now.  I stand in the working room where Papa sleeps.  He's not here.  On my cabinet is my butterfly in the glass.  I see it.  I break down. 

Maybe you see me.  I am young and pretty.  My apartment is nice.  I can wear good clothes.  I can eat out each day 3 times.  My bank has money.  But now who cares?  I only see my butterfly.  It's all I got.  This night I drink until I am sick.  I don't care. 

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