Friday, September 10, 2010

The Porch

I am inside.  Mark has left. I go to the porch.  My Nana is there.  She tells me sit down.  She smiles a warm smile.  She asks me I am good.  She knows I'm a former whore.  She tells me she likes Mark.  He is a nice man.  He is polite.  She asks how I meet him.  I say at the fitness club.  He fixes my car.  She tells me karma smiles on me.  I tell her it all.  I stay with him.  At his apartment.  She asks are you happy.  I say yes I am.  She says it's all that matters.  We chat about her.  I ask her how she is.  Nana owns a resort.  It's in Greece.  The coast.  Her and her husband live in Canada.  They sell the house.  Cash in money and go.  I listen.  It sounds good. 

I tell Nana.  Someday I wish to travel.  I tell her Europe.  I will see it.  I will ride the train.  I will swim in the sea.  I will see the castles.  I will taste good food.  I will visit Rome.  I will go visit her.  She laughs.  She said all the world is mine.  I tell her I don't go anywhere.  As a whore no time.  Now, it's no money.  She tells me.  If you want it. You can have it.  I tell her I can get some school.  Get a job.  Save up.  Go travel.

Nana asks me. What do I take in school.  I tell her.  I will take business.  She asks me.  It's what you want?  I tell her not really.  I want to do a fun job.  I will take pictures.  I can take a camera.  Films the TV show.  Like on the Food TV.  She tells me. It's best to do what you want.  If you like it.  It's not a job then.  She asks me.  Does Mark like his job.  I say yes.  He loves it.  He loves what he do.  But hates right now.  She tells me.  He doesn't work then.  I laugh.  I say he works all the time.  She says well he likes it.  I guess she is right.  He hates his job.  But likes his career.  Nana is older now.  I remember her.  As a little girl.  She would play.  She would say.  I am pretty like a princess.  Nana is a tough woman.  She is alive too.  Maybe she is old but no way.  She sais she lives long.  It's because she has a drink with her tea lol.

Papa comes.  He seems upset.  Mom is passed out.  Papa sais it's nice.  To have his daughter at home again.  We talk.  It gets late but we talk.  I tell them about my life.  I say the past is gone now.  I admit my mistakes.  Papa seems shocked a bit.  Nana listens.  She said to not be ashamed of being a woman.  A woman must do things.  She said the cards are against a woman.  So a woman must be stronger. 

Papa likes Mark.  He said he is a regular guy.  He hopes that Mark will come for dinner.  I don't know I say.  He is here for his family. 

Nana gets her rum.  She pours a glass.  Asks me do I want it?  I say ok.  We talk a long time.  Papa stays too.  He smokes a cigar.  They tell me I look good.  I have a head that is clear.  Papa sais he worried for me.  I tell him the same.  The sun goes down.  We are still there.  We are there till late at night.  Nana's husband is there.  He is quiet.  He sits near her.  He sais little but he kisses her a few times.  I can see it.  They are happy.  She is lucky.  So old.  And a man.   And my mom?  Drunk. Sleeping in the bedroom.  I am glad.  She isn't here.  She will just ruin it all.  

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