Sunday, September 26, 2010

Papa gets a girlfriend

Papa and I.  We spent the last days.  It's sitting on the porch.  Mom is gone.  She don't come back.  She don't call.  He tells me this.  I am surprised.  Papa has a girlfriend.   He has one before Mom left.  He said he is tired.  His life is lonely.  I laugh.  I ask him.  I can see her?  Who is she?  What does she like?  He tells me.  She and him.  They meet at bowling.  It's his favourite.  Shes drive a truck.  She has a house.  It's in the country.  He goes there.  They will have a bbq.  Just have drinks.  She had a husband. But he is sick.  And then he goes to heaven.  It's a sad story.  I think Papa is good for her.  He's a good person.  He won't hurt someone.  He is patient.  His whole life.  He takes care of Mom.  And of me.  Both treat him bad.  He don't raise his fist. This woman is good.  I will meet her.

We will go to her place.  She don't come to the house.  In case Mom comes home.  We drive.  Not so far.  It's a big house.  The old kind.  All brick.  The driveway is long.  It's trees all over.  We park.  A dog comes.  He is Rex the dog.  He is a happy dog.  The woman comes out.  She waves hello.  She comes to meet me.  She has a tattoo.  It's on her arm.  She sais to me.  You must be Larissa.  She gives a hug to me.  Sais to come in.  She gives Papa a kiss.  I see it.  I think I don't know it.  I can't remember it.  When Papa kisses a girl.  Not a kiss for affection.  Maybe family at Christmas.  Her house is old inside.  It's wood.  The dog comes.  He carries a ball.  It drops at my feet over and over lol.  She tells him.  Rex, don't bug her.  I don't mind it.  She asks me. I want a drink?  It's coffee, tea or a beer?  I tell her tea.  She has many kinds.  I take breakfast tea.  We sit and talk.  I feel good.  Not like a stranger.  Papa and her talk.  They will go fishing.  She likes this.  She asks do I fish.  I tell her no.  Not since I'm a little girl.  Then I catch perch.  It's a little fish.  You can't eat it.  Just let it go.  She asks.  I am being a chef. I tell her yes.  She loves to cook.  She laughs. Sais to me Papa likes to eat her cooking.  She finds cooking good to relax.  She sais to come. I can see her big kitchen.  It's got it all.  You can see it.  It's like a magazine.  The pots hang from the roof.  The stove is big too.  It's got spices.  In the tray and rack.  It's wood.  She asks, do I like something to eat?  I am Larissa.  Always eating.  I say yes.  She sais help yourself.  In the firdge.  Any food is mine.   Inside is good stuff.  She leaves.  I get a plate.  It's something mixed up.  It's delicious lol.  I ask.  Can I eat in the other room.  Yes I can she sais.  The plate is full.  Papa laughs.  He tells her.  Since I am a young girl I eat so much.  When we go camping.  I finish the food.  Papa laughs.  If we eat out.  I eat off his plate too.  I do this to Marky too.  He calls me Ms metabolisum.   Papa's girlfriend.  She tells me.  Have what I want.

When I finish.  She tells me. She will show me around.  Her house is big and old.  The beds are many.  So many rooms.  Her kids are big now.  Her husband is gone.  I can see it.  For her, this house is her memories. She wishes not to forget.  She wishes to remember.  It's not like me.  I don't want to remember.  I forget my past.  I only remember Marky in Calgary.  The rest I don't care.

Outside is trees.  She shows me.  A truck.  Pretty big truck.  She drives it.  I ask her.  Her boss is nice to let her drive it home.  She laughs.  No dear.  She owns it.  She is her boss.  I tell her I know it.  Marky is his own boss.  I tell her my boyfriend is this.  I tell her it's tough times.  The money comes slow.  She sais to me.  Yes it is.  She sais here it's bad for 2 years.  You must take all you can.  I wonder and ask.  how do you get this job.  She tells me.  Her husband does it. Her kids get older.  So she will go with him.  They travel all over.  I ask her. do you know Calgary.  She does!.  She has gone.  She sais she likes it.  A good dream is a ranch.  In the mountains.  With a creek.  I tell her.  I go to Banff.  It's my favourite.  She knows it.  I find out.  Papa has told her.  About me. About Marky.  She don't judge me.  I can see it.  This lady.  She is strong.  She makes it.  All by herself too.  Her and Papa talk.  I can go in the truck.  It's like a house.  It's a got a bed.  I look out the window. It's high up.  I like this lady.  She's a good person.  She is good for Papa.  I can see it.

We stay longer.  Papa tells her.  He must go. I must leave for Greece.  She will come to the airport.  I don't mind.  It makes Papa happy.  I'm glad for Papa.  We drive back.  He talks.  He's happy too.  We go for a short drive.  He takes me.  It's the river.  We used to fish here.  He shows me.  It's where we went to camp.  There is the site.  The leaves start to change now.  You can see fall.  It seems the end.  End of trees.  The birds go away.  For me, it's spring.  As we drive around.  I like it.  I learned now.  I hated this place.  But I don't hated the place.  Just my Mom.  Now I don't see her.  I like it.  I think it's the same for Calgary.  I don't hate it.  I hated my past.  I tell Papa I like this lady.  I say she's tough.  He sais yes.  No breaks in her life.  I'm glad for him.

While we drive.  I send a text.  It's to Mark.  I ask him.  How is it.  We chat this way.  All the time.  I tell him Papa has a girlfriend.  He sends a smiley face.  I am happy.  I think to myself.  I hate some men.  Most really.  I don't want to kiss them.  I don't touch them.  But my favourite people?  It's two men.  Mark chats to someone else.  I know her.  Am I jealous?  No way buddy.  I'm happy.  I just want happy for both Papa and Marky.  I want it for one reason.  Because both wish happyness for me. 

Papa sings.  It's a song on the radio.  It's his music.  Country music.  It makes me smile.  I don't like this music.  He likes it.  I can see.  He is happy now.  So what else matters?  

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