Monday, September 6, 2010

A couch

A bit of time passes.  Marky has a couch.  It's a big couch.  So big it takes 3 men to lift it.  It's free which is good.  I think he has less money too.  It's like the rest.  Now I can come to his apartment.  I can sit and stay to chat.  This way he can sit on the couch or chair.  No floors.  I talk to him.  This couch is the talk couch.  It's cool outside.  No place to go.  So inside I sit.  It's a breather too.  I like Georgia but it's loud.  The kids are all over.  It's not quiet.  They climb on me.  They want to play.  I don't want it.  I think I will never have this.  No kids for me.  I see this job.  A job as a mom is tough.  No rest.  No breaks.  I can see her.  She is tired.  We are lovers right now. She will tell me.  Her body is tired.  She sais it's tough.  Massage is work.  But no choice.  Safeway doesn't have a job.  It's close to her. 

My mood changes.  One day I am good.  I feel happy.  Next I get angry.  Sometimes I need to be alone. I will go to my apartment.  I can leave it soon.  I will.  I think I can live with Georgia.  We can get more bedrooms.  Split the money.  I check my whore email.  It's lots.  I delete it.  Unhappily Married writes.  I write back.  He asks how I am.  He sais he misses me.  I think I don't miss him.  I know it now.  Since I quit being a whore. I don't miss him.  He is not in my mind.  When I work.  He is always in my mind.  Now, who cares.  He tells me his story.  His wife is separating.  His family will be broken up.  I feel sorry.  I think he is a good man.  I wonder though.  He spends so much.  His time is for me.  If he does with his wife maybe it's good?  

Are you a whore?  Do you wish to be?  You will have regs.  They will come see you each week.  Maybe 2 times. They get you things.  Clothes and shoes.  Maybe some dinner. Sure he will listen to you.  Talk to you.  Unhappy comes when I am raped.  He takes care of me.  Now I don't work as a whore.  He wont call me.  He doesn't care.  He gives me an email. It's one email now and then.  A hello.  He asks if I want to get together.  It's for a session.  My eyes roll.  You care for me?  Don't say a word ?  Then we chat and it's a session you want?  I am not a doll now.  I won't be a doll again.  Georgia and I talk. I can talk to her. She won't judge me.  We talk a long time for this.  She knows girls.  They are like me 10 years ago.  New to this.  They think they are smart.  I think about me.  I remember I make 900 a day.  I shop.  The price won't matter.  Tomorrow is more money.  It's easy.  It seems good.  I think now maybe not so. 

Are you a pooner?  You say you like your SP?  Do you really?  I ask you this.  How do you act if she is sick?  Will you visit her?  Will you feed her puppy?  If she sais no more session, will you still talk to her?  Or will you find another?  I think.  All this is not real.  I believe it for so long.  I am Larissa.  I can control men.  They come to me.  Want me.  I make their cock hard.  But now I'm not a whore.  No emails.  No phone calls.  My regs don't call.  They don't say how you been.  Papa calls.  He asks how I am.  Each week.  No one else calls.  I realizae this life.  It's a lie.  I take the wrong path.  It's almost 11 years.  All a lie. 

I am at Marky's.  It's the couch.  I eat his chili.  He can make it so good.  I ask him about whores.  What does he think?  He sais he is sorry for them. This life must be tough.  I tell him more chili with toast.  He gets it.  He sais do I wish a drink?  We have one.  It's late.  Past midnight.  He sais you can sleep on bed.  I sleep on the couch.  He can't drive as he drinks.  I drink too.  I tell him I can sleep on this couch.  We go to bed. 

I wake up the next day.  He has left this round key.  He leaves the password for the computer.  If I go home, he will get the key.  He tells me eat up.  I make breakfast.  I cant cook bacon.  Each time the fire beeper goes off.  I just sleep.  Here is quiet.  No noise.  It's nice.  

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