I need this. So I ask Unhappily Married if he can help me. He sais to me it's pretty simple and he will help me. We must get all this stuff about the car and then get some rates. He is connected so he can help me. He's a big shot in his company so he can take off a day. He asks me to go to his work and it's the daytime. I have been here many times for a session. He will take me to see this guy to get me insurance. I remember it. I get to the desk and ask for him. I must wait in the chair. You know, for all I am nothing really. Just some woman but you wonder if they know who you are. He comes to get me and we go. I feel strange doing this. It's like a father or a boyfriend. This guy is a big wig and you can tell it. At work Unhappily Married is in good clothes. His clothes say power. I can bet other women think it. A woman watches a mans clothes. They can tell you how much money he has.
We take his car to the insurance company. There we meet this man. Unhappily Married introduces us. He sits with me to help me. This guy asks many questions. One is my job. It's there I freeze up. What can I say. I can't say to this guy hey buddy I am a whore. Instead Unhappy speaks and sais I am the daughter of his business partner. He is too busy to come. This guy doesn't blink. He just types away. They ask me questions about how much I want on the car. How can I know this? Unhappy helps me out. After some time I now have car insurance. It's expensive. I must do 1 session to pay for it each month. You know, the bus seems pretty cheap. Still, it's not so much.
After this, we get this paper. Unhappy will drive me and soon I have a car. I am driving a car. It's my first car. He will lead me. I follow him to my house. I don't know how lol. How can I? It's when I get to my house I discover something. If I have a car where can my clients park? I will have to get parking on the street. I can do this myself.
I take Unhappily Married up for a free session. It's a treat for him. Before I think it's a reward but for him it's a treat.
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