Some bad news comes. Papa has no job. His company sends him home to not come back. I ask him what will he do. He tells me it's ok as he saves money. He is good. I know he lies. Maybe he saves money but Papa is older. I don't know business so much but I know one thing. A older man that works with his hands has trouble to get a job. A young man can lift things and work harder. Papa said the union will help him. They look out for their men. I hope so. I fret now. What if Papa is hungry? What if he can't ever get a job? Before when I am good I can support him. Now, maybe not so much. For me, I get less. My bank is smaller each day. I spend too much and I must stop. I will cook at home. I will save more money. I feel guilty because I don't think about him. It's just Larissa. Always Larissa and all that matters. I make lots for so long. I could save it and Papa could live 3 years without a job. I can put up more ads.
I try this place called Craigslist. It's the CL. It's this big website with everything for sale. I put up an ad on it. Soon it's gone. I learn quickly that if you say the wrong word then your ad will disappear. Some report your ad. I bet you some whores do it to others. It's tough times now. You see, all people compete. If you need money and money is easy, you're relaxed. If the money is tough, you will be evil. It's how people are. It's like the jungle or the ocean. A big fish will eat a smaller fish.
Now I read some websites. It's the Review Board. This is a strange place. Here a man hires a whore. He then writes his story about her. He gives her a rating. I go on it each day. I search my work name. I don't want this bad review. If someone reads it maybe they will click to the next name. You think it's a good idea? Maybe it is. But not always. Each person can see things a different way. Most are good but some just get mad at small things. They can say bad things. This is their power.
On each side there is this. There is a bad whore. She books the session then she sleeps in. Or is shopping and says fuck this guy. It can be many reasons. This guy will go out of his way. Maybe he sneaks away from his wife. Or takes time from work? He comes and then she is not there. Well even a melon head can know this is a bad. But some whores still do it. It's not good for us. The pooner can be the same. You tell him I am Larissa, I am 25. I have a fit tummy. He will come and he will say her tummy has fat. Or he can say she was boring. It's like she is tired. It can be many things. But he will write this and all will read it. The whore can't do a review. Are you crazy? Here is where the woman have no control. If you know people you know some are evil. Maybe another whore doesn't like you. She creates a fake name. She writes a review. It's bad. I notice one thing in this Review Board. If a person is new the review is always very good or very bad. So far for me, no reviews. I am lucky. Still most is regs. I secretly hope the gay man reviews me. I think to ask him. We go out sometimes with his friend. I like it. It's nice to be with this man and his friend. They act as if it's nothing.
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