I will get a car. I have decided. I can get it so I can go away. I think about the mountains with Papa. I can go there and rest. Right now I can take the bus. I don't like it. It's small and dirty. Plus if you go on the bus a creepy guy will chat to you. How come a man always talks to a girl on the bus? Maybe we don't want it. If we give you 1 word for the answer it means go away. If we look away and don't care it means go away. If we don't smile it means go away. You know if you are a woman in life it's tough. Always a man saying hi. If you don't say hi back he is upset.
So now I can get a car. But first I must learn to drive this car. I keep my license. It's because I need some id. But I can't drive. So, I will be 16 again. I will take drivers school lol. I am not 16. So I find on the internet some schools. How can you tell which one is good? You can't. I call some. I get one and then I make a mistake. I should ask for private training. I don't. I don't need a license. I need to practice.
So I am in this school. I will practice. There are 3 in the car. 1 is the instructor. He is this man that wears sunglasses all the time. To listen to him talk is like listening to a buzzing sound you hate. I can drive before. I know this sign means stop. How can I not. It says STOP on the sign. The other is a teenager. It's a young girl. Each time she speaks it's the word like. If this man is annoying she is more. If she doesn't drive then she sends messages on the phone. It rings so much. I wonder is she an whore too. My phone is less busy than her phone.
When I learn to drive I want to turn on the Vibe radio. It's my favourite. Good songs. This man won't let me. He sais it makes me forget my concentraysion. In my head I think whatever. You think I don't do this when I get my own car? If I crash the car it's because Hannah Montana sends messages on the phone all the time. I call this girl that. She is Hannah Montana. I think if I have a baby and it's a girl I will leave it in the garbage can lol. It's a joke you know. This school lasts weeks.
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