Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Moving Out

I must move soon.  The lease is done.  I think to move to Georgias. We can share.  Mark sais I can come over.  He won't care.  I must put my stuff away.  Its good stuff.  Where can it go?  Mark sais it's a storage place.  We go. It's 3 browns a month.  I can't pay this. Too much money.  Georgia has no room.  I can't throw it away.  It's good.  Mark sais he can use it.  We will get a truck. We can move the stuff now.  I don't go back to this apartment.  No need.  It's my old life.  It's a good tv.  It's a good bed.  It's a good table.  All my stuff is good.  It's from urban barn.  We move it in the truck.  It's hard work. Before I can pay for this.  Now I do it myself.  We msut clean the apartment.  I can get back $700.  I have time.  I will clean perfect.  $700 is money. 

It's 2 days. It's clean.  It's like a new place.  Around me is empty.  I am alone.  I wear my iPod. It's Lady Gaga.  I look around this place.  I can remember it.  And my old apartment.  I think about my life there.  All these men.  Like a door that goes in a circle.  All the good.  All the bad.  Some is good.  But not so many smiles.  I walk up the street.  It's 4th street.  The air is now cold out.  I listen to music.  I walk.  It's the end for me.  Do you think I miss it?  No way. 

Who is a whore?  Turn your head.  You see this woman?  Or that woman?  Could be a whore.  You can't tell.  She is invisible to you.  She is a woman.  No different than the rest.  If you stand in the coffee line. You see that girl?  Maybe she is a whore.  2 dates a week.  Or the waitress.  Any woman can be.  You can't tell.  There is no smell to them.  I know you. You think a whore is in the movie.  She's a crack addict.  Her skin is poor.  She needs a fix.  Doesn't care.  This is a myth.  Most are escorts.  Some find love.  Most don't.  They are alone.  Most men can't love a whore.  They can't stand this thought.  They don't know.  Love sex is not work sex.  It's different.  You must learn this.  

I walk in the street.  I will stop at the Purple Perk.  It's my favorite.  I have this sandwich.  The Cuban one.  With some chips.  A coffee too.  I can read the magazine.  They are free.  You get them at the back door.  It's where I first go on my first date.  All around me each has a laptop.  It's Apple.  I wonder, do they work?  Maybe it's whores lol.  Sending email to a date.  Maybe they check the Review Board. 

I will walk to Marks.  It's close by.   I go up and my tv is there.  I can watch Food TV.  I lie on the big couch.  And I will eat this bowl of chili later lol.  It's so good.  

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