Sunday, September 5, 2010

Being Bored

Each day it's this life.  I get calls.  Before it's clients.  We want a session.  Now?  They wish the money.  You are late.  Don't pay the bill.  Each day they call.  3 times a day they call.  I have no money at 9am.  You think I have at 2pm?  Then one day the phone won't work.  No calls.  I think oh well.  No one calls.  I don't pay anything.  Just rent.  Just food.  I get a bit of gas.  This car has no insurance.  I can't pay it.  The sticker is old. I leave the plate in dirt.  Ha ha.  No one can see it.  I don't drive far.  If I do I watch.  The police can find me.  I spend all my day at Georgia's.   I get there.  We smoke and talk.  We watch TV.  I can bring a box of pasta and cheese.  It's my food.  She must feed her kids. 

Do you live this way?  There is nothing for you.  The day is the same.  It's good.  No one calls me.  The phone won't work.  I get the internet.  It's cheaper.  Only Unhappy mails.  The rest don't.   I don't care.  This life sucks.  But I won't suck a cock.  I don't care about sex.  If I do it's Georgia.  Her kid sleeps. . It's sex.  No man either.  For the weekend I can get some wine.  It's cheap.   We drink it.  It's a good escape.   This life is good?  No way.  But I'm done as a whore.  So it's better.  I can watch the TV all day.  It beats another cock in my mouth.  Another man who breaths fast.  Fucks me.   I don't want this.   If I walk the street. I don't see a man.  If a man walks by, like Brad Pitt covered in money saying "Larissa, love me" I keep walking.  No way. 

3 months pass.  I can write it but it's boring.  I leave GT's.   I go up the road.  It's what I do each night.  It's the gym.  I watch the tv there.  My favourite?  Ghost hunters.  They find ghosts lol.  I can walk on the machine.  I forgot. 

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