Now I have a room to live in. It's not so good but it's a room. So I know now I must go find a job. I don't have a computer at this time. I can't use the internet. So I go from place to place and I fill in the forms. Some places don't do this they say to bring in a resume. This is all fine and dandy but I don't have a resume. I don't know how to make a resume. I don't have a computer to make it either. Maybe I can go to the library but for what? My resume will say I have 1 job in life? They will say what is your experience. I will say I cleaned hotel rooms for half a summer. They will ask what I do before this? What can I say. They will think I am a stripper. No one hires this.
But, I will still try. I apply at some hotels but fall is the slow time. So I try other places. I go to the supermarket and to fast food. I really don't want this job. But I must try.
To go look for a job is tough. You go from place to place and fill out the same forms then give it to the person. They seem disintersted in you. They probably put it in the trash. How many times can you do this before you want to stop? 10? Each day you wake up and go and fill out a form. It's stupid. You must fill out your interests on these forms. It matters? If matters what I like when I want to cook a hamburger in a fast food place?
One time this guy gives me a form. He's not a good person. He asks me why I want to work there. He says he wants hard workers and am I one. I haven't even filled out the form. He asks some more questions. He keeps looking at my tits while he talks. He gives me the form. I don't have a pen so I ask him. To this he gives me a dirty look. I think fuck this guy.
So I fill out the form. Then I think no way. So I put in a fake name and address. It says previous employment. So I put in the MP lol. And is says job duties. In there I put that I suck the cocks of men just like you. It says hourly rate. I put $250. I take this and put it on the counter and I say thank you and walk out. I laugh thinking he will read it.
If you become a whore, it's best to keep a square job. This way you have some experience. You can use this to get another job if you leave. People don't ask questions. If you have no past work what did you do for 5 years? People think bad all the time. I can say one thing to you do not just be a whore. In the end it will catch up to you.
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