Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Banff the town in the mountains

I remember taking the bus to Banff.  You come first to Canmore and the bus will stop for 1 minute.  Then it goes to Banff.  If you don't know it, this place is beautiful.  All around is trees and big mountains.  Though this is long ago I can remember how I felt.  Like all my struggles were gone.  It is like the bad world was behind me. 

I can tell you about Banff.  I have gone many times.  In the years ahead of this I would go there to find quiet.  It's an escape and it's better than having a drink.  I will talk about this later.

When I get off the bus I am there.  It feels different.  I get the suitcase from under the bus.  I have a map and this hotel is not so far to go.  Around me it was so busy.  Everywhere is people.  It's a nice town and the mountains are all around.  I pull this suitcase behind me and walk to this place.  I am scared now.  Right now the life of an SP seems easy.  Suddenly it doesn't seem so bad.  Its' because I don't know this new life.

The hotel is pretty nice.  I go to the front and I ask for this mans name.  I'm scared now.  This is not my world.  All this time I wanted a new life but here it is and I want to go back.  Out comes this man to meet me.  And it's a dream!  I can tell right away this guy is gay lol.  He shakes my hand and tells me to come with him.  We will first go to where I will stay.  It's a house.  He drives me in this van.  I don't like any vans because a van is an SP's enemy.  I feel safe.  We go to the house.  It's a nice house and inside it's got people.  Almost all the people are young and they are asian.  I learn later they are from the Philippines.  I get this small room. I remember it.  It had a bed and a desk.  The boss said to me it's free internet too.  Only I don't even know what that is really lol.  It's got room for my clothes too.  I get a key for the room.  He said I will share the bathroom and kitchen.  He said the rules are be clean.  The people living there are young but they are nice.  They don't know me.  After I put down my things we go back to the hotel.  I fill out some forms.  Then he shows me the hotel.  I will be a maid.  He shows me the rooms.  I can clean good.  I'm a clean person.  You can ask anyone.  After some more talk he tells me I will start tomorrow working with someone.  Now I can go. 

I leave and walk out to Banff.  All around me is busy.  The sky is blue.  I think I am free.  I will not make so much but I can work.  I go to find a place to eat.  I find this big place I don't remember the name. It has antlers.  It's got wooden tables.  I stop and have some food.  I feel so free.  I remember feeling like being a new born girl again.

After I eat I walked to the house.  It's the end of the day and many are there.  They are nice people.  They invited me to sit.  All had come here for a job to send money home.  All would be my work mates.  They had come here to work.  

I felt better.  They were nice.  Tomorrow was my first day.  They went to bed early. I would learn this because this job was tough. 

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