Monday, August 30, 2010

Easy Money

Some weeks have passed and each night I can do this and make $100 or $200 dollars.  If you are a street walker almost all the men wish for only a blow job.  It's because it's fast and because a car is not a good place to have sex.  I begin to learn how it works.  Some men will tell you they don't have money but they will go get it.  They will say I have only $50, is it enough.  Quickly you learn to say no and you get out of the car.  I learn to hold on the handle of the car door.   All types stop.  Some are creepy men.  Some are big fat men.  Some are very good looking men.  I wonder why?  Others are men with expensive cars who have money.   It's not all so easy.  Some drive by and call you names.  Some throw bottles at you.  The police slow down to see you.  Some in the neighborhood don't like you.  They come up to you or take a photo.  They tell you go to away, to get out, I am not welcome.  You learn you cannot trust anyone.  Some will be nice to you only to then tell you bad things.  Some will come and tell you how God hates you.  I am now a street walker. 

Maybe I make this sound easy.  It is not.  You are at risk each time you get in the car.  You do not know.  Some men are nice.  Some are rough.  Some only get you to tell you how you are a bad person.  Sometimes a car with men pull up.  I am not a fool.  I don't get in this car.

It is long ago to remember but I think it is week 3 and this guy stops.  He is a man with money I can see.  His car is very nice.  I get in the car and he says what he wants.  By now I am smart.  I know I am young so my price is higher.  He drives to the business district of Toronto and we go to his parking spot.  It's underground.  During his blow job he says to me, how much is the price for full sex.  I have not given this yet but I say its $100 more.  In one second there is $100 in my hand.   Now it's $250 dollars.  I get on top of him and he is inside me.  It is my first time ever doing this.  This guy is OK.  He is an older man, you can see he has money.  I don't know why he will buy it when lots of women would give him sex for free.  During this sex he said to me he wants me on the hood.  So I go out to the hood and I bend over.  I cannot see him only in the glare of the windshield.  He does not take long to finish.  When he is done, he says thank you and gets in his car.  I go to get in and he tells me to take a walk.  I guess I am shocked.  I leave by the stairs.  Still, there is $250 dollars in my hand.  I have worked only 20 minutes.  It's easy money. 

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